Inventory Across Alberta
After several years of record-high decommissioning, the final phases of the closure process – remediation and reclamation – have become a greater portion of our inventory.
Annual orphan inventory overview
Current inventory
We update our orphan inventory count monthly, which may show recent changes in status or new additions not reflected in our annual reporting.
orphan sites for decommissioning (Includes 1,556 wells)
In addition, there are 403 sites the OWA has agreed to decommission under a Working Interest Partnership Agreement (WIPA).
orphan sites for reclamation
In addition, there are 506 sites the OWA has agreed to reclaim under a Working Interest Partnership Agreement (WIPA).
The overall progress of sites in reclamation is updated at the beginning of each month.
environmental assessment phase
remediation phase
reclamation phase
vegetation monitoring only or final certification
orphan sites have been certified as fully reclaimed
For more information about our inventories and performance in decommissioning and reclamation, see our annual report.