Closing Orphan Sites

The Orphan Well Association works with industry, government and public stakeholders to manage the safety and environmental risks of oil and gas sites that do not have a legally or financially responsible party. These properties are known as “orphans".

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Alphabow Update

On September 6, 2023 the OWA was directed by the AER to provide reasonable care and measures for AlphaBow’s wells, facilities and pipelines. This includes shutting-in all infrastructure and emergency response actions, if required.

Please note that AlphaBow remains a viable entity. All enquiries pertaining to AlphaBow or their infrastructure should be directed to the company at (587) 393-5059, including vendor and surface rent payments.

Tallahassee Reasonable Care and Measures

On November 27, 2023 the OWA were directed by the AER to provide reasonable care and measures for Tallahassee’s wells, facilities and pipelines in Alberta. This includes shutting-in all infrastructure and emergency response actions, if required.

Please note that Tallahassee remains a viable entity. All enquiries pertaining to Tallahassee or their infrastructure should be directed to the company at (587) 392-6467, including vendor and surface rent payments and third-party requests for crossing and proximity agreements.

Invitation to Bid for Purchase of Goods - September 2024

WHAT: September 2024 – Tubing and Sucker Rods Sale

Tubing size diameters are 73.0mm

Sucker Rods sizes diameter vary from 22.2.0mm to 25.4mm

WHERE: The Tubing and Sucker Rods are located in Lloydminster, Alberta, Canada

CLOSING DATE: Monday, September 23, 2024

Bid documents can be downloaded using the links below or requested through

  1. Tubing Bid Document
  2. Sucker Rods Bid Document

Bids submissions and all other requests relating to the bid documents, communication & inquiries should be directed to

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Tackling a relic from a bygone era

In Castle Wildland Provincial Park, a team effort takes a new approach to solving an old problem

Ensuring the greater sage-grouse survives

Decommissioning in environmentally sensitive areas

Saving salamanders

Protecting species of special concern

Sometimes you need a plan “Bee”

A colony of 30,000 honeybees transitioned to new home

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Interested in a Working Interest Partnership Agreement?

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